Products [45]
The $100 Gift Certificate at Backyard Wild Birds is a great way to give a gift to that Bird Lover in your life that they can pick out.
$ 100.00

Cedar Platform Bird Feeder is a 18 inch long heavy duty Red Cedar Feeder. This is a professional level Cedar Large Platform with hopper to clean and refill. Top of the line large Bird Feeder feeds from all sides. This feeder holds a generous 9.5 quarts of seed, keeping your birds well fed. (Post not included)
$ 107.95
Purple Martin Classic 6 Gourds is a six gourd set. This large 12.25" wide gourd can encourage purple martins to roost in your bird garden by placing this fantastic and convenient Classic Combo entrance Gourd house. This gourd has a 3/8" square hole at top for mounting on square tubing.
$ 109.95
Bird Watcher Binocular 10x42 is a close focus Roof Prism bird watching binocular. It combines superb binocular image quality, 10x magnification, wide field of view, is waterproof in a value friendly price.
$ 110.99
Post Bird Feeder Pole includes a ground screw for standard 4 x 4 post, 18" cone squirrel proof baffle and two bird feeder hanger arms. Makes a rustic and natural bird feeder pole.
Note: (Post not included)
Note: (Post not included)
$ 112.95
Cedar Pavilion Bird Feeder lets you see all the birds on this large, high quality, open feeder. Removable seed tray for easy cleaning and it has a perforated bottom for drainage. The western red cedar feeder holds 1/2 gallon of seed.
$ 117.99
Squirrel Proof Bird Pole Trio system provides a classy solution to squirrel proof your bird feeders. This Bird Feeder Pole kit has triple hanger arms, a 16" long cylinder squirrel baffle blocker and a twister ground socket.
$ 119.95
Copper Hummingbird Bird Bath with stake is a polished copper plated steel bird bath bowl with detailed brass casting of a hummingbird. This Copper Hummingbird Bird Bath is a spectacular visual statement of a Hummingbird balanced in the center of a blossom.
$ 119.95
Post Raccoon Proof Bird Pole Kit has all the hardware necessary to make a bird feeder pole using a standard 6' to 8' tall 4x4 post. Kit includes 2 bird feeder 15" long straight hanger arms, 23" long cylinder squirrel and raccoon baffle and includes a ground socket for mounting .
Note: 4x4 Post not included
Note: 4x4 Post not included
$ 121.95
Purple Martin 6 Gourd Hanging Bracket with 12' tall Triangular Telescoping Aluminum Tri-Pole with Ground Socket. Add a 6 gourd rack to your triangular or 1.25" outer diameter pole with this Hanging Gourd Bracket. This is a practical, inexpensive option to give Purple Martins a home. The 6 gourds bracket uses 3/8" dia. rods for mounting.
Also, option to add an extra Hanging Bracket (Double) for extra perching or gourds.
Also, option to add an extra Hanging Bracket (Double) for extra perching or gourds.
$ 124.95
Bird Feeder Pole with 2 hanger arms and cylinder squirrel baffle made to squirrel proof bird feeders hung above it. Stops squirrels raiding bird feeders. It comes with two bird feeder hanger arms, a black cylinder squirrel baffle and a twister ground socket.
$ 125.95
The Patio Bird Feeder Pole Station works great on a patio, deck or as a mobile bird feeder platform in a yard. The 1" diameter 5.5' tall Patio Bird Feeder Pole Station has a patio base and 3 hanger arm top. Great Hummingbird or Goldfinch tree! (Hummingbird Feeders not included)
$ 125.95
The Extended Pole Squirrel Blocker Feeder is a great deck pole with a Squirrel blocker feeder. It is notoriously difficult to have squirrel proof bird feeders on Deck poles because the pole can not be baffled like a ground pole.
$ 129.95
Squirrel Proof Bird Pole Triple Arm system provides a great solution to squirrel proof your bird feeders. This Bird Feeder Pole kit has triple extended hanger arms, a 16" long cylinder squirrel baffle blocker and a twister ground socket.
$ 129.95
Squirrel Proof Cage Bird Feeder is large capacity bird feeder that really stops squirrels! The Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder blocks gray squirrels, grackles and mourning doves from reaching tube feeder bird seed. Materials used resist weathering in harsh environments.
$ 129.95
Purple Martin 15' Telescoping Round Pole as seen supporting the Purple Martin Cedar Wood House. Support your House or Feeder easily on this White Deluxe 15 foot Telescoping Round Pole with 5.75" x 4.375" top mounting plate. The four steel sections create a lasting pole, while the telescoping design aids in raising and lowering the unit.
$ 139.95
Bird Feeder Pole has four bird feeder hanger arms at two levels on this Squirrel Proof Bird feeder Pole system. The two viewing levels adds interest and makes an attractive pole. These four arms can hold many combinations of bird feeders to attract many different wild birds to your backyard.
$ 145.95
Cross Rack For Tall Pole is made for the Tall Bird Pole Rack System to expand the pole with an additional rack. It can be used for placing of bird houses or feeders in elevated positions. Weight 12 lbs.
$ 149.95
Cedar Pavilion Platform Bird Feeder is a 24 inch long heavy duty Western Red Cedar Feeder. It feeds peanuts in shell or suet in its two end cages and holds 10 quarts.
$ 155.95
Squirrel Stopper Pro Black is the ultimate bird feeder pole system is truly a squirrel stopper. It is a 2" diameter pole with a large squirrel stopper 28" long inverted cone baffle. Blocks squirrels and raccoons which makes your bird feeders squirrel proof. The Squirrel Stopper pole is very rugged with 8 hanger hooks.
$ 159.95
This Patio or Deck Bird Feeder Pole is a popular Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder Pole system. Unique Patio Base makes this Bird Feeder Pole useful on a patio or deck. The cylinder Squirrel Baffle makes bird feeders hung above it Squirrel proof.
(Option to Add Bird feeders)
(Option to Add Bird feeders)
$ 159.95
Bird Feeder Pole System with two top hanger arms, versatile perching branch, a quick connect orange dish, cylinder squirrel baffle and a twister ground socket. Very functional Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder Pole.
$ 165.95
API Heated Bird bath with Metal Stand is just what birds need in a heated winter bird bath. The API Bird bath with metal stand has heated bird bath water to keep ice-free all winter long.
$ 169.95
Bird Feeder Pole Tree is a four long branch hanger arm bird feeder pole. Also has a 17" diameter squirrel cone baffle below to protect its bird feeders.
$ 175.95
Raccoon Proof Bird Feeder Pole with 4 hanger arms, a twister ground socket and a big 28" long cylinder raccoon baffle that is made to squirrel and raccoon proof bird feeders hung above it. Say good bye to raccoon and squirrel problems forever.
$ 185.95
Purple Martin Pulley Pole is a strong overall 14' tall, 1.9" diameter round pulley pole. Install the Galvanized Steel Easy Pulley System Martin Pole so you can raise and lower your compatible houses or gourd racks. This pole is approximately 12.5' above ground when using all its pole sections and with one in its ground socket.
$ 189.95
This popular Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder Pole system comes complete with quality bird feeders. The system includes 2 wrought iron hanger arms, 2 bird feeders, a black cylinder pole squirrel baffle and a twister ground socket. This is a quality metal pole with quality metal feeders that will provide songbirds with their two favorite seeds.
$ 195.95
Purple Martin Barn 16 Rooms with Triangular Telescoping Aluminum Tri-Pole with Ground Socket. The Triangular Telescoping Pole expands to 15 feet tall. The Purple Martin Barn with 16 Rooms is a practical, inexpensive option to give a Purple Martin community a home.
Also, option to add a extra Hanging Bracket below Barn.
Also, option to add a extra Hanging Bracket below Barn.
$ 199.95
Purple Martin Super Gourd House with Excluder entry holes are 1 piece molded design gourd with screw on cap for viewing and cleaning. This is for an 8 pack of Super Gourds, weight = 16 lbs.
$ 199.95
ClearView Window Feeder is window bird feeder extraordinaire. Keep a close eye on our feathered friends dining with this ClearView Window Bird Feeder. Using an in house window feeder brings birding activity up close so able to see.
$ 199.95
The Birds Eye Feeder Camera is the perfect way for bird enthusiasts to be able to watch birds feeding from your yard using your smartphone, from anywhere! You will be able to capture up close images of the songbirds feeding and receive real time notifications when this is happening to your smartphone!
$ 199.99
Raccoon Proof Bird Pole 6 Arm is Bird Feeder Pole with six hanger arms with a large diameter raccoon baffle that is made to squirrel and raccoon proof bird feeders hung above it. The two levels of 3 hanger arms each are staggered so the top bird feeders can hang down between the bottom ones.
$ 210.95
Raccoon Proof Bird Pole Quad is an 8 foot tall Bird feeder Pole that has four bird feeder hanger arms on a Raccoon and Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder Pole system. This Bird Feeder Pole kit has four extended hanger arms with a big dome top 28" long, 6.25" diameter cylinder raccoon baffle below and a twister ground socket.
$ 210.95
The Deer Proof Bird Feeder Pole is 10 ft tall steel pole with 4 long hanger arms. You can deer proof bird feeders by keeping them higher than a deer can reach. This tall Deer Proof Pole has a large Raccoon Baffle below which is used to raccoon and squirrel proof bird feeders. An included High Reach Hanger Arm Lift Hook can be used to transfer feeders to hanger arms (handle not included).
$ 215.95
Bird feeder pole kit has a strong 2" dia. Squirrel Stopper Pro bird feeder pole with three regular size bird feeders with different types of seeds. Makes an excellent bird feeder pole system to attract a great variety of all kinds of wild birds. The 3 clear 16" Bird Feeder Weather Baffles are Optional.
$ 229.95
Superb Squirrel Proof Bird feeder Pole with two large capacity metal Bird feeders; a Sunflower feeder and a Thistle feeder. This strong 2" dia. pole Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder pole system will feed a number of songbirds at the same time.
$ 229.95
Rack Double Up for Tall Pole is made for the Purple Martin Pole System to expand the pole with two racks joined together by 2 foot long square metal tubing. It can be used for placing of bird houses or feeders in elevated positions. (Gourds are sold separately) Weight 24 lbs.
$ 249.95
The $250 Gift Certificate at Backyard Wild Birds is a great way to give a gift to that Bird Lover in your life that they can pick out.
$ 250.00

Purple Martin Goliad Add A Floor has 4 Rooms to add to your existing Goliad Purple Martin Houses. Now has Crescent shaped doors. Great way to grow your Purple Martin colony!
$ 259.95
Purple Martin Barn with Pulley Pole is a 12 room American Barn Purple Martin House with a strong 14' tall, 1.9" round pulley pole. You can raise and lower the Barn by installing the Galvanized Steel Easy Pulley System with its cable, through the premade openings in the center of the Purple Martin House.
$ 259.95
Raccoon Proof Bird Feeder Pole is a complete System with four hanger arms, 3 bird feeders, 2 clear domes and a large cylinder raccoon baffle that is made to squirrel and raccoon proof the bird feeders above it. This combination of feeders is hard to beat and will bring the songbirds around for you to see.
$ 290.95
Tall Bird Feeder Pulley Pole is a strong 14' tall overall, 1.9" round pulley pole with a multi purpose, Tall Bird Feeder Rack system. This is the ultimate, very tall, strong, versatile, flexible, modular, useful Bird Feeder Pole System that you can imagine. With this flexible bird feeder pole system that you can choose how tall (up to 12.5' above ground) and how many bird feeders (4, 8, max of 12) you can have. Feeders not included, sold separately. When set above 9' tall it is naturally a Deer Proof Pole.
Note: Restocking
Note: Restocking
$ 295.95
Not for Sale
Purple Martin Cedar Wood House with 12 unit apartments for Purple Martins on a telescoping 15' tall Pole. The Housing units all have Round Shaped Entrance Holes just right for Purple Martins. This is a great value and affordable complete system.
$ 299.95
Purple Martin Aluminum Houses with Pole is a 18 room apartments for Purple Martins on a deluxe white telescoping 15' tall Round Pole. Provide a comfortable home for purple martins to colonize with this Aluminum 18 Rooms Deluxe Martin House. There is an available Optional upgrade to 24 rooms.
$ 359.95
Purple Martin Pole System is a single pole that includes a winch with cable, pulley and ground socket. Purple Martin Pole is a 2 inch square pole that is 16.5 ft tall. The Houses and Rack systems in this category are made to work with this pole.
$ 399.95