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Tall Bird Pole Rack System
Tall Bird Pole Rack System

Tall Bird Pole Rack System

Tall Bird Pole Rack System includes cross bar rack, strong pole, winch w/cable and ground socket. This substantial 2 inch square steel bird pole is 16.5 ft tall and is perfect for viewing of bird feeders in elevated positions, Deer proof bird feeders or as a Purple Martin Pole Rack System. If you need a rugged tall bird pole to raise and lower, this is it!

The pole and winch are electroplated with zinc for durability. The rack has four 2 ft long square tube arms that give a 39 inch cross frame that supports the cable around its perimeter. The rack can mount many bird houses or bird feeders. It can also deer proof bird feeders by raising above were pests like deer can get to them. The 16.5 ft above ground pole system includes a cable (28 ft long) and winch (max load is 200 lbs.) to raise and lower its rack to any position and a 30" ground socket. The galvanized steel Pole comes in three sections for connection together. The pole sections use 16 gauge steel and the special designed "X" connectors are made from 10 gauge steel to secure the pole sections together.

The Pole Predator Cylinder Guard can be added to block squirrels etc. from climbing the pole. 8 Purple Martin Excluder Gourd Houses work great with this system. The pole is also capable of expanding with aluminum Purple Martin Houses above it if desired. For two racks together it is preferred to use the Rack Double Up For Tall Pole with the Single Pole.

Your Price: $ 559.95

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