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Purple Martin Pole Systems
Tall Bird Feeder Pulley Pole
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Tall Bird Feeder Pulley Pole
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Tall Bird Feeder Pulley Pole
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Tall Bird Feeder Pulley Pole is a strong 14' tall overall, 1.9" round pulley pole with a multi purpose, Tall Bird Feeder Rack system. This is the ultimate, very tall, strong, versatile, flexible, modular, useful Bird Feeder Pole System that you can imagine. With this flexible bird feeder pole system you can choose how tall (up to 12.5' above ground) and how many bird feeders (4 to 8 or max of 12) you can have. This pole is approximately 12.5' above ground when using all its pole sections and with one in its included ground socket. Build this and create your own Backyard Wild Bird Sanctuary! If it is set above 9' tall it is naturally a Deer Proof Pole.
The Multi Purpose Rack has two main configurations, a Tall Bird Feeder Rack or a Gourd Rack system. In this case it is used as a
Tall Bird Feeder Rack
system that can be raised and lowered with its Pulley and Cord. This Tall Bird Feeder Rack has 4 Primary 36" long (1.5"x.125) aluminum angle cross bars (with stainless "S" hook mounts) for a possible 8 bird feeders, 4 thru end screw holes and 4 thru middles screw holes, Or instead of the 4 screw mount at the middles, use the Optional 4 secondary 20" long aluminum cross tubes (with cotter pins mounts) for a possible 8 smaller bird feeders. This Option provides an opportunity and flexibility to hang up to 12 bird feeders with 4 larger feeders on the 36" cross bars ends and max of 8 smaller on the secondary 20" tube cross bars at the middles. (See Tall Bird feeder Rack Mounts picture) The rack is made of lightweight aluminum and is a very durable design. The Bird Feeder Rack has a center tubular Slider Base that makes it easily go up and down the 1.9" round pole. This will be the best most versatile Bird Feeder Rack you ever owned! Note: The four extra 7" long aluminum tubes are not used in this Tall Bird Feeder Rack configuration.
This Galvanized Steel Easy Pulley Pole System contains 9 separate pole sections, 8 of which have swagged ends to connect together with ease with a straight section as the top piece, At the Top the pole mount the sturdy, powder coated Steel Pulley Wheel and feed the included, 20' nylon rope through it to easily raise and lower your rack system. This robust, steel wheel ensures smooth movement and rust resistance for seasons of service with a high freedom of movement. A matching, black powder coated cable Cleat or optional Winch can be affixed to the pole about 4.5-5 ft off of ground using the included hardware and screws, readily holding the remainder of the rope or cable securely in place. Concrete the included 18" ground sleeve in soil to act as a secure anchor. And for even more versatility, the poles height can be flexible if not need max height by adjusting how many center swagged 18" pole sections are used or kept as spares. Ex. - Keeping 1 as spare = 11' and 2 as spares = apprx. 9.5' to 10'. Care should be taken to not be directly under hanger arms or feeders when moving. The 8 Feeders shown are not included, sold separately. Mechanical Assembly required.
Optional accessories are available like a Pulley Pole Winch with a 600lb weight capacity for easier raising and lowering. Also our Pulley Pole Predator Guard (Cylinder Pole Baffle), can be set at about 4 ft to block raccoons and squirrels from climbing pole. These are selected by choosing the option to add them to your order below.
Overall Pole Dimensions: 14' Tall overall
Pole is round 1.9" Dia x 12.5' High above ground
Note: Restocking
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