Post Bird Feeder Poles
Post Bird Feeder poles have Raccoon baffles below to block Raccoons from climbing up the pole. These 4x4 Post Bird feeder pole baffles make Raccoon and squirrel proof Bird Feeders above them.
Bird Pole Post 12 inch Hanger Arms is a pair of bird feeder curved hanger arms. The post or wall hanger arms are hand forged square steel stock with a 12" reach.
$ 25.95
Bird Pole Post Curved Arms is a pair of 17" bird feeder hanger arms. Wrought iron arms work great to mount bird feeders and hanging plants.
$ 39.95
Bird Pole Post Decorative Arms is a pair of 12" hanger arms with decorative leaf and vine design. The hanger arms work great on 4 x 4 post or wall to mount bird feeders and hanging plants. Possible to hang two items, (one tall & one short) on each hanger arm.
$ 45.95
Bird Pole Post Straight Hanger Arms is a pair of bird feeder straight 15" hanger arms. The hanger arms work great on 4 x 4 post or wall to mount bird feeders and hanging plants.
$ 33.95
Deck Bird Feeder Swing Bracket Arm is deck pole with a screw mount "swing arm" hanger arm that has a 27" height and a 41" reach. The bird feeder hanger arm has a bracket swing arm with adjustable knob to hold away from the deck. Useful where a railing deck clamp can't clamp on. Instead, it has a 4 screw mount to secure to a post or wall.
$ 50.95
Metal 18" Hanging Squirrel Baffle distinguishes itself as a hanging bird feeder baffle and deflector. Placing a baffle above your hanging feeder can effectively block squirrels from reaching the feeder. (feeder not included)
$ 38.95
Post Bird Feeder Pole includes a ground screw for standard 4 x 4 post, 18" cone squirrel proof baffle and two bird feeder hanger arms. Makes a rustic and natural bird feeder pole.
Note: (Post not included)
Note: (Post not included)
$ 112.95
Post Hanging Plant Pole hardware with two 14 inch upturn hanger arms with a twist and ground screw. The Post Hanging Plant Pole hardware is for a standard 4x4 post. (Post & Plants not included)
$ 65.95
Post Cone Squirrel Baffle is a squirrel deflector for a standard 4 x 4 post that includes a post mounting clamp. The 18" diameter cone squirrel baffle wraps around the post and the post does have to be disassembled to be mounted.
$ 46.95
Post Pole Patio Base for 4 x 4 Post is a good way to mount and install a post on a patio or ground. The Post Patio Base has a secure socket and a 24 inch round base.
$ 72.95
Post Raccoon Baffle is a 24" long, 8" diameter black cylindrical raccoon baffle used on standard 4x4 posts as protection for bird feeders and bird houses. Mounts by slipping down over post. Block those raccoons from climbing up to your feeders today!
$ 46.99
Post Raccoon Proof Bird Pole Kit has all the hardware necessary to make a bird feeder pole using a standard 6' to 8' tall 4x4 post. Kit includes 2 bird feeder 17" long curved hanger arms, 23" long cylinder squirrel and raccoon baffle and includes a ground socket for mounting .
Note: (Post not included)
Note: (Post not included)
$ 128.95
Post Raccoon Baffle is a large tan 28 inch long cylindrical raccoon baffle with clamp used on standard 4x4 posts as protection for bird feeders hung above it. Assemble by slipping down over post.
$ 65.95
Post Socket Ground Mount is a tan twist in the ground socket for a standard 4x4 post. It can be screwed into the ground 20" and allows the 6' to 8' tall 4x4 post to be above ground.
$ 42.95
Post Squirrel and Raccoon Baffle is a tan 23" long, 8" diameter cylinder baffle with clamp used on standard 4x4 posts as protection for bird feeders hung above it. Assemble by slipping down over post and rest on clamp.
$ 57.95
Post Squirrel Cone baffle is a tan wrap around squirrel and small raccoon baffle with a 23" dia. is used on standard 4x4 posts to protect Bird feeders and bird houses. Can wrap around without post disassemble.
$ 37.95
Wall Bird Hanger Arm Bracket is a 24" long wrought iron bracket with an upturn hook and twist on end. Strong 7/16" square bracket can be use to hang bird feeders or hanging plants. Has a 20 lbs weight capacity.
$ 45.95
Wall Extended Arm Bracket is a 30" long wrought iron bracket with a twist and hook on end. The forged square wrought iron bracket can be mounted on a wall or post. Strong Fixed Hanger Arm Bracket with 6 support screws is perfect for bird feeders, hanging plants,etc. Weight capacity is up to 20 lbs.
$ 35.95
Wrought Iron Fixed Arm Bracket is a 21 inch heavy duty hanger arm. The angled Hanger Arm Bracket is perfect for bird feeders and hanging plants. The strong wrought iron bracket arm can be used as wall, deck, or post mount. The bracket can hold up to 20 lbs.
$ 20.95
Wrought Iron Scroll Bracket is a black heavy duty 23" wide wall hanging bracket. Perfect for large hanging plants or large bird feeders. Extending from the wall or post almost 2 feet means you can have an unobstructive view and ability to showcase the object below.
$ 48.95