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Deck Bird Feeder Poles Styles

Deck Bird Feeder Poles are useful to hang bird feeders off of a deck and give a close up view of backyard wild birds. We have a large selection of Deck Bird Feeder Poles that work with different style of decks. There are three basic mounting styles to choose from: railing clamp mount, screw mount and baluster mount.

1) Railing Clamp Mount styles are typically used on a standard 2x4” railing. That provides a good area for a clamp to secure itself to the railing. The Deck Bird Feeder Swing Arm is clamp mount style that can swing in and out with a horizontal 44" reach. A variation for very wide railings is the Deck Bird Feeder Pole Wide Clamp for railings larger than 2” up to 5.5” thick.

Deck Bird Feeder Swing Arm  Deck Bird Feeder Pole Wide Clamp

2) Screw Mount style needs about a 4” flat surface to screw into to secure the pole. This can be a post or wide railing. This can be used when an unusual shaped railing or design does not allow a clamp style. The Deck Bird Feeder Bracket Arm has about a 36” horizontal reach off of the railing and is very strong capable pole. The screw in styles are typically a little more secure than clamp styles because they do screw into an upright post or railing.

Deck Bird Feeder Bracket Arm Deck Bird Feeder Pole Screw Mount

3) Baluster Mount Style can be used when deck railings have non flat designs that are hard to secure a clamp or screw mount style to. Baluster mounts provide a solution when complex deck and railing shapes don’t allow other styles because they attach to vertical balusters and not to railings. There are two choices depending on the baluster sizes, the Deck Pole Baluster Mount is used on a larger 1” square balusters. The Deck Pole Baluster Mount can be used on vinyl, composite or wood balusters and is a very strong secure mount.

Metal railings are often more complex than say a standard 2x4 shape. When a metal railing with smaller ½” square balusters are present, the  Deck Pole Iron Railing Mount works great. These Baluster mounts with shepherd hook poles are very strong, more secure than a clamp or screw mount and can support the most weight.

     Deck Pole Baluster Mount      Deck Pole Iron Railing Mount

Deck Pole Baluster Mount  Deck Pole Iron Railing Mount

In Summary: A lot of the Deck Bird Feeder Poles are made to clamp onto a 2” thick 2x4 railing. Depending on the railing and deck you have, it might be better to screw into a post or attach onto a baluster instead.

See also our Blog about Bird Feeders on Deck Bird Feeder Poles .