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Bird Feeder Poles
Deck Bird Feeder Poles
Deck Bird Feeder Bracket Arm
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Deck Bird Feeder Bracket Arm
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Deck Bird Feeder Bracket Arm
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Deck Bird Feeder Bracket Arm hangs bird feeders in style. Bird Feeder Bracket Arm pole is a swing arm 36" reach Deck, Wall, or Post screw in bracket. Versatile extended reach bracket is screw mounted on an area that has a continuous flat surface for the bracket. The classic design has the ability to position feeders or small plants in the perfect viewing spot and also be able to swing back for filling, cleaning or watering. Order two for a matching set and have a great accent in your backyard. Place feeders with different seed on each deck pole to bring in a variety of wild birds.
This swing arm pole bracket has an overall length of approx. 53" and has a sturdy bracket with adjustable knob. It is made from 1/2" diameter cold rolled steel for extra strength and weights 4 lbs. Manufacturer says with a good mounting the deck pole is capable of holding a max of 15 lbs. This extended reach wall bracket is a treat for every home. The adjustable knob can be loosen to allow the swing arm full circular motion and then tightened again to secure in place. The bracket is easy to install with screws into its 1 7/8" x 4.5" mounting plate. The durable weather resistant polyester powder coated finish will maintain its black color and quality season after season.
Overall Dimensions: 53" long x 6.5" wide
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