How to Attract Hummingbirds
Learning how to attract Hummingbirds to feeders can be very rewarding! Nectar feeders are used to attract
Hummingbirds to feeders. Their Hummingbird feeders,
Hummingbird Baffles and ant guards are mostly
red because it gets their attention. And this is what brings these amazing birds
around for us to see. Be sure your Hummingbird feeders provide
essential ant protection and are easy to keep clean. You can also
attract Hummingbirds naturally to your backyard with plants
that have brightly colored tubular flowers such as The Cardinal Flower, Bleeding
Heart Bush & Trumpet Vine. Orange, pink and especially red flowers seem to
be the most visited, but others are visited as well.
Another useful attraction is a water "mister". Position the Hummingbird
mister in such a way that a fine mist is available for them to fly
through. Also, point it toward plant or flower leaves because they like to rub
against the wet leaves to clean their feathers.
See the Best - Hummingbird Feeders here.
Figure 1 - Hummingbird Pole Mount Figure 2 - Hummingbird Window Mount |
Hummingbird Feeders
Above are pictures showing the two different mounting methods for hummingbird feeders. Figure 1 - Hummingbird Feeder Pole Mount is shown with two different types of hummingbird feeders on a Hummingbird Feeder Station Pole approximately 4-5 ft from the ground. Figure 2 - Hummingbird Feeder Window Mount is showing a Hummingbird 6 port feeder with a built-in ant moat and is a Popular Window Hummingbird Feeder with mount above. You normally don't have to worry about squirrels because they don't eat nectar, but ants are a different story.Hummingbird feeder poles
Hummingbird feeder poles can be seen through out the Hummingbird Feeders section. Hanging feeders can also be placed on a shepherd staff pole or a tree branch. Mounting on Bird feeder Poles have the advantage of being able to be placed and viewable from almost anywhere (makes a nice flower bed accent). A tree mount is limited to a useful tree branch located where the feeder can be seen.Window Hummingbird Feeder
With Window Hummingbird Feeder Mounts you need a mounting hook to attach it to the window and then you will get to see the Hummingbirds virtually in front of you. It is desirable to have a hook that is strong (coated wire), durable with good suction cups. The hook should also get the feeder out and away from the window a little bit so the birds have easy access and the feeder can't be blown into the window. A good example is the Tripod hook shown above.View the Best in Class - Hummingbird Feeders here.
Hummingbird Feeder Protection
Ant guards are essential to keep ants from taking over the Hummingbird nectar feeders. Some feeders have built-in internal ant moats such as the feeder in Figure 1 (on the right side). Others can have a large external red ant moat (as shown above the feeder on the left side). Fill the ant moats with water and the ants can't get past it (ants can't swim). Bees and Wasps can be kept at bay by using a Flat top feeder (they can't reach the nectar) or by using "Nectar Guard Tips".Most Hummingbird nectar feeders that can be hung on mounts can also be protected from the weather at the same time. Hummingbird Baffles have the benefits of providing the nectar some shade from the sun and keeping the rain off, thus preventing dilution or possible contamination of the feeders as well.
Hummingbird Feeder Location
Hummingbirds are extremely loyal to feeding sites. Their average life span is 3-5 years with a maximum of 12 years. A hummingbird that feeds in your backyard one year will return to that feeder the next. Because the male Ruby-Throated Hummingbird is very territorial, a key strategy is to offer lots of feeders around your yard. The placement can be done for your best viewing; after all, that is a main objective. It might be on a pole or shepherd staff viewable from your kitchen table, family room window & sliding door or on a window mount with an up close bird's eye view.Hummingbird Feeder Maintenance
It is important to keep the nectar fresh in the feeders and clean them regularly. A special small brush can be used to clean the port openings. Hummingbirds keep their distance from fermented nectar. Fermented nectar can support the growth of deadly molds. If they get a taste of fermented nectar they will look elsewhere for a drink and remain suspicious of the offending feeder for a long time. Water diluted vinegar can be used for routine cleaning and diluted bleach if mold is present, followed with a thorough rinsing.Hummingbird Nectar Recipe
The Hummingbird feeder Nectar Recipe to make Hummingbird Solution is one part ordinary white cane sugar to four parts water. Boiling the water for several minutes before measuring can retard spoilage in the feeder by a day or two. If you measure first, some will boil away and mess up the proportions. Stir in the sugar while the water is still hot. Let cool before filling the feeder. Store unused nectar in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. This mixture approximates the average sucrose content (about 21%) of the flowers favored by North American Hummingbirds. Nectar can also be bought as liquid concentrate or instant with clear or red color.Hummingbird Types
In the USA you can find over 16 kinds of Hummingbirds. For people east of the Rockies, the most prevalent by far is the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird. In fact the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird is the most widely distributed of the world's 338 species of Hummingbirds, all of which occur ONLY in the Western hemisphere.Seeing Hummingbirds Begins Now!
Follow these guidelines and successfully create your own Backyard Hummingbird habitat! See Hummers on the feeders that you like best by clicking here Hummingbird Feeders.